Monday, June 8, 2015

Flower Fields Pictures (Summer 2015)

What a fun start to the summer!  Your kids are so talented - and so well behaved.  Thank you for sharing them with me.  We started off art class this session with our Flower Fields Pictures.  We had the kids close their eyes and picture walking through a field of flowers and notice what colors the flowers were and what the sky looked like.  Was it a cloudy day, sunny day or a sunset?  Were the flowers all one color or lots of colors?  Then........we painted.  We began by choosing our horizon line and then painting our sky and ground with water colors.  Then we used acrylic paints to make our flowers.  We used a flicking technique and followed up with impressionistic flowers.  I love how unique each one was.  It's gr8 to crea-8!

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