Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Reach for the Stars" Paintings (June 2015)

I know I say this every time (and the kids tease me about it), but this was hands down my favorite art project ever.  I love the symbolism of this project and the beauty of the colors used.  We studied the art of Akiane and used her pictures of heaven as inspiration for our paintings.  To create this project we used liquid watercolors, acrylic paints, canvas paper and watercolor paper.  We used a dropper technique, splatter technique and simple painting techniques.  There were a lot of steps to this project, but I think it was worth it.  

 Image result for akiane heaven painting

 Image result for akiane heaven painting

 Image result for akiane heaven painting

Image result for akiane heaven painting

Image result for akiane heaven painting
Akiane was 8 when she painted this picture of Jesus.

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