Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Marble Paintings

We want to give a BIG welcome to Tatiana Mark, the newest member in our class!

We also want to wish Cate a VERY Happy Birthday this week!

Today we worked on marble paintings.  It is so fun to watch each personality come out as they paint.  I can now look at paintings, and without knowing who, I can pick out who painted it.  They usually pick the same colors and they each paint with a certain style.  So fun.  It's gr8 to create!

Each student received a cup of marbles.  They had two practice papers and one final painting on water color paper.  On our first practice paper, they started with one marble dipped in paint.  On our second practice paper, they used as many marbles as they wanted dipped in paint.  On the final paper, they could do it however they wanted. 

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