Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Suminagashi Paintings (Shaving Cream Style)

Today we made Suminagashi Paintings but instead of water, we used shaving cream.  Suminagashi means "floating ink."  It began in China to create a marble effect in books.  The Japanese began using this technique and perfected it.  The pictures don't do these paintings justice--they were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.  Make sure to click on each picture to enlarge it so you can see the detail in each painting.

We also want to wish Kadence a VERY Happy Birthday this week!

It's gr8 to create!
We started with shaving cream.
Add some acrylic paints.
Snacks and music are a must in our art class. :)

We used a squeegee to take the shaving cream off.
.....and voila!

I took the paper outside to take the picture so you could see the colorful designs.

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