Friday, February 15, 2013

Crystal Hearts

We made CRYSTAL HEARTS today and SHADOW HEART VALENTINE'S CARDS.  I didn't take a lot of pictures this week because my hands were too messy.  :)  If your child's heart(s) didn't turn out very well, I have more Borax for them to use next time they come to art class.  
 We want to wish Micah a VERY Happy Birthday this week!
I sure love being with your cute kiddos-thank you for sharing them with me!
While we wait for everyone to arrive, we make elastic creations.  Here is a masterpiece from "E."

Put on your aprons, it's about to get messy!
First, we picked out 2-4 colorful pipe cleaners.  We twisted them into a shape of a heart.
We added Borax to boiling hot water and stirred.  Some of the kids added food coloring to their water.  Then, we tied our hearts to a string, attached them to a Popsicle stick and put them in the water to sit overnight.  As the water cools, the Borax crystals form on the pipe cleaners.

"C" anxiously waiting for her crystals.
Stirring the Borax/hot water mixture.

We made shadow hearts for our Valentine's Cards.  We painted one side of the heart and folded it to create a double-sided heart.

"A" had fun making hand prints.

"K" made a darling shadow heart.
"Cate's" shadow heart.

Bracken's shadow heart.

Our crystal hearts.

We ate Valentine's Sugar Cookies while we created.  :)

"B's" hearts.

Our paint trays.

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